Amazon Store Management Services

Say goodbye to account issues. Our expert management ensures smooth operations and scalable growth for your Amazon business.


Our Unique Approach to AmazonSuccess

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Uncover your brand’s potential and current standing.



Craft unique strategies with the resilience of bamboo and the focus of pandas.


Map Out

Design a clear and detailed path to success.



Develop top-tier content and optimized listings.



Implement and launch strategies to make your brand soar.

Here’s What BAMDIG Delivers

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Quick Wins in the First 30 Days​

Initial Assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of your brand’s current performance and objectives.

Customized Strategy: Develop a tailored action plan to meet your specific needs and market conditions.

PPC Campaign Optimization: Perform an in-depth review and implement a refined keyword and bid strategy for maximum ROI.

Growth Strategy: Conduct market research, optimize product listings, and manage inventory for sustainable growth.

Promotional Plan: Design and implement growth driven strategies to boost visibility and sales.



Your Elite Support Squad.​

Seamless Integration: Acts as the primary point of contact, ensuring clear and efficient communication.

Strategic Alignment:  Aligns marketing strategies with your brand’s vision and goals.

Progress Tracking: Regularly monitors project milestones and ensures timely execution of strategies.

Campaign Setup: Designs and sets up ad campaigns tailored to your specific business objectives.

Performance Optimization: Continuously monitors and optimizes ad performance using our inhouse tools and innovative techniques to maximize ROI.


Monthly Listings Makeover​

Keyword Optimization: Identify high-traffic, relevant keywords and implement strategic backend keywords to capture additional search queries.

On-Page Optimization: Enhance product titles, bullet points, and descriptions for better search visibility and to ensure consistent and compelling brand voice across all copy.

Visual Appeal: Design eye-catching infographics and high-quality images to complement product listings.

Enhanced Brand Content: Develop rich A+ content to enhance brand storytelling.

Conversion Optimization: Use A+ content to boost engagement and drive conversions.


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Strategic Check-Ins​

Comprehensive Analysis: Examine key performance metrics to understand what’s working and what needs improvement.

Data-Driven Insights: Utilize advanced analytics to gain actionable insights into campaign performance.

Goal Alignment: Ensure all activities are aligned with your brand’s goals and objectives.

Strategic Adjustments: Make informed adjustments to strategies based on performance data and milestone reviews.

Future Planning: Develop a roadmap for the next quarter to ensure continuous growth and improvement.


Best amazon account management services

When you partner with BamDig for full-account management, we ensure your growth is seamless and sustainable. Our bamboo and panda-themed services offer comprehensive support tailored to your brand's needs.

Bamboo-Guided Administration

Complete Account Management: Oversee Seller Central & Vendor Central accounts.

Inventory Optimization: Forecast and manage stock efficiently.

Profitability Reporting: Provide detailed analysis and custom dashboards.

Brand Enhancement: Manage registry and optimize catalog.

Panda-Powered Content Production​

SEO & Reporting: Implement data-driven SEO strategies and detailed reporting.

High-Quality Content: Offer professional photography and videography.

Compelling Copy: Craft expert SEO copywriting and engaging infographics.

Brand Stores & Ads: Create custom Amazon Brand Stores and creative ad designs.

Bamboo-Rooted Research & Strategy

Pricing & Profitability: Conduct strategic pricing and profitability analysis.

Keyword Tactics: Employ techniques to boost organic rankings.

Market Insights: Perform new product research and market growth strategies.

Promotional Tactics: Design effective cross-sells, up-sells, and vendor negotiations.

Panda-Precision Advertising & Analytics

Advanced Advertising: Master Amazon DSP, Sponsored Products, Brand, and Display ads.

Influencer & Cross-Channel Marketing: Leverage influencer marketing and cross-channel strategies.

Attribution & Analysis: Provide in-depth advertising analysis and Amazon Attribution.

Brand Enhancement: Manage registry and optimize catalog.

Ready to Grow?

Experience the BamDig difference with customized, sustainable strategies that ensure your brand’s success on Amazon.

Wins We've Scored:




Increase in CVR

Creating an ad strategy and content for peak season with limited time after transitioning from another agency.



Increase in Sales

Using Amazon's Demand Side Platform to drive sales and a significant lasting increase in ROAS (Return on Ad Spend).​




Switching from a new agency, creating a roadmap for growth, building content that converts, grows sales, and achieving a BSR.​



Decrease in ACOS

Using Amazon's Demand Side Platform to drive sales and a significant lasting increase in ROAS.​

Client Love