
Bamboo-Enhanced Listing Images & EBC Revamp for Laucán

Is your online presence lacking impact?  tailored strategies will transform and elevate your brand’s visibility and engagement.


Decrease in ACOS

Client:  PureGlow Skincare – Innovators in organic and eco-friendly skincare products.

Initial Scenario (Before Implementation):
PureGlow had been running Amazon PPC campaigns but wasn’t seeing the desired Return on
Advertising Spend (ROAS). Their campaigns had:

Ad Spend: $720
Sales: $1,800
ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sale): 40%

This meant that for every dollar spent on advertising, the seller made $2.50 in sales. However,
with the ACOS at 40%, the campaign’s profitability was questionable, and the seller was keen to
improve these figures.



High ACOS:The 40% ACOS indicated a significant portion of sales revenue went into advertising costs, leaving a smaller profit margin.


Low Conversion Rate:Many users clicked on the ad, but few actually completed a purchase, leading to increased costs without a proportional rise in sales.


Inefficient Keyword Strategy:The campaign targeted a broad range of keywords, including some that were not converting well but consuming a significant portion of the budget.

Project Overview


1. Keyword Optimization:

○ Removed non-performing keywords and invested more in high-conversion keywords.
○ Introduced long-tail keywords to capture a more targeted audience.

2. Budget Management:

○ Redistributed the budget to ensure maximum returns, slashing ad spend without
compromising on sales.

3. Budget Reallocation: 

○ Shifted budget from low-performing campaigns to those that showed promise or
had historically better conversion rates.

Mesa de trabajo 1@3x

This meant that for every dollar spent on advertising post-optimization, the seller generated $8.99 in sales. The drastic reduction in ACOS translated to a healthier profit margin, ensuring that the campaign wasn’t just driving sales but also bringing in a good return on the ad spend.


Comparing data 60 days before and after the redesign:

Ad spend

Reduced to $360

0 %


Reduced to 11.04%

0 %


Increased to $3,236.90

0 %


Effective management of Amazon PPC campaigns is essential for sellers aiming to maximize their return on ad spend. By continually monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing campaigns, sellers can ensure that their advertising budget is used efficiently, leading to increased sales and profitability. PureGlow Skincare experienced substantial growth and improved profitability through BAMDIG's panda-powered approach to PPC management.

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