
Panda-Powered PPC Management for LuxeHome Furniture

Is your online presence lacking impact?  tailored strategies will transform and elevate your brand’s visibility and engagement.




LuxeHome Furniture – High-end furniture retailer known for luxurious and contemporary

Initial Scenario (Before Implementation):
LuxeHome had been running Amazon PPC campaigns for some time but wasn’t seeing the desired Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS). Their campaigns had:

High Ad Spend: Significant expenditure without proportionate sales increase.
Low Sales: Revenue did not justify advertising costs.
High ACoS: Inefficient Advertising Cost of Sales, higher than industry average.



Keyword Strategy: Initial PPC campaigns were too broad and not sufficiently targeted, leading to low click-through and conversion rates.


Bid Management: No dynamic bid management; bids were uniformly set without considering individual performance or relevance.


Product Listings: Ads and listings lacked compelling content and high-quality images, resulting in lower click-through rates.


Budget Allocation: Budget was spread thin across multiple campaigns without adequate analysis of profitability.

Project Overview


1. Keyword Optimization:
○ Conducted thorough keyword research to identify high-converting and relevant keywords.
○ Removed or reduced bids on non-performing keywords and added negative keywords to filter out irrelevant traffic.

2. Dynamic Bid Management:
○ Implemented a dynamic bid strategy, adjusting bids based on individual keyword performance.
○ Ensured high-performing keywords received more budget, while underperforming ones were deprioritized.

3. Product Listing Revamp:
○ Enhanced product listings with compelling content, high-quality images, and clear product benefits to attract potential customers.

4. Budget Reallocation:
○ Analyzed campaign performance data to identify the most profitable campaigns.
○ Allocated more budget to these campaigns while reducing or pausingnon-performing ones.

Mesa de trabajo 1@3x


After Implementation:

Ad Spend: The total expenditure was reduced to $20.94.
Sales Generated: Sales increased to $1,829.39 from this refined strategy.
ACoS: Achieved a strikingly low ACoS of 1.14%, far below previous values and industry commendable.

This represented a significant positive shift in sales for every dollar spent on advertising,
achieving a ROAS of approximately 87x (sales/ad spend).


With the right strategies in place, Amazon PPC campaigns can offer unparalleled growth opportunities. This case study showcases the potential of diligent management, continuous optimization, and data-driven decision-making in turning around PPC campaigns. By focusing on keyword optimization, bid management, ad copy improvement, and strategic budget allocation, LuxeHome Furniture significantly boosted sales while maintaining a low ad spend.

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